We are the middle generation of history. Born too late to explore Earth but at the perfect time to be pioneers of space exploration. IROG, based on the Solana blockchain, is a meme token envisioned as the official currency for future Mars settlers. With the spirit of pioneers, joining the IROG crew and dreaming of the challenge of migrating to Mars embodies this new frontier. Additionally, simply holding irog tokens grants the unique opportunity to be among the first to access a mysterious and vast new world that will emerge globally for the first time.

Economic activity will inevitably take place on Mars, humanity's first multi-planetary colony. While the world envisions only travel and migration to Mars, IROG is taking the lead in creating a common currency to be used on the Red Planet. As our community grows, IROG’s credibility—already established on cryptocurrency exchanges—will increase, gaining the value of a rocket launched towards Mars, primed for significant upward leaps. Through these steps, IROG’s ultimate goal is to establish a decentralized common currency independent of Earth. After all, our crew wouldn’t expect the currency used on Mars to be the dollar, right?

After extensive research, the IROG team has found that frogs could serve as an excellent protein source for Mars settlers. Frog dishes have been enjoyed for generations in many countries on Earth, including France, various parts of Europe, and Asia, as a high-quality protein meal. Additionally, frogs offer high economic efficiency, with each adult capable of producing up to 100 offspring. They can be easily raised with high-reproduction daphnia that would accompany settlers to Mars. IROG believes in a more diverse diet—surely, you don’t think Mars settlers would survive on just potatoes forever, right?
In addition to the official token, IROG plans to issue a set of four NFT tiers, which will be airdropped to holders based on the amount of tokens they possess. This initiative aims to distribute various benefits and rewards related to Mars migration. Higher-tier NFTs will grant holders additional exclusive bonus benefits on top of the standard perks available to all.
Holders of NFTs from this tier will be recognized as official members of the IROG community and will be invited to participate in various events hosted by the crew.
Holders of NFTs in this tier will have priority access to various events and training sessions organized by the crew in preparation for Mars migration. Additionally, they will receive free access to buildings and land within the metaverse that the crew is developing with Mars settlement in mind.
Holders of NFTs in this tier will be able to share in the profits generated from activities in the metaverse, DAO, and other initiatives led by the active crew. The funds generated by the crew will be used to cover technical expenses necessary for Mars migration, providing NFT holders with financial support toward this goal.
Holders of NFTs in this top tier will have the highest level of participation in the crew’s governance, allowing them to make proposals and actively engage in operations. They will also be given priority in owning beachfront property on islands acquired by the crew. Additionally, they will receive priority financial support for Mars migration expenses through the ecosystem's funds.

To make our project as successful as the monumental leap of Mars migration in human history, we are implementing several experimental projects related to the essential needs of settlers, including food, shelter, and clothing. Our team consists of university professors in relevant fields, top blockchain engineers, high-level creative designers, and leading engineers from advanced materials companies. Once the first IROG token listing is complete, we will identify and develop various projects based on consensus within the IROG pioneer community, bringing them to market. By holding IROG tokens, our crew members—pioneers in Mars migration research—will gain remarkable benefits through the success of each successive project.

- Listing IROG token on global DEX exchanges
- Listing IROG token on global CEX exchanges
- Building a Web3.0 community exclusively for IROG holders
- Developing various apps needed for Mars settlers
- Creating NFTs for ecosystem activities within the crew
- Hosting and inviting IROG holders to exclusive big events
- Purchasing islands across each of the six continents to conduct Mars migration simulation training and allocating land to IROG holders
- Building a 3D metaverse where IROG holders can interact and collaborate
- Establishing a specialized training ecosystem for essential skills needed by Mars settlers
- Providing specialized expertise for Mars ecosystem management and survival, including water, air, life support, and agricultural cultivation
- Developing and providing specialized technologies for Mars energy production, including power and heating
- Advancing industrial technologies for Mars, including metals, chemicals, smelting, building materials, and pharmaceuticals
- Developing specialized 3D printing techniques for construction and settlement on Mars
- Creating expertise in reproduction and societal activities on Mars, including education, caregiving, sports, and culture
- Registering the IROG token as the official currency on Mars
- Initiating Mars migration journeys for IROG holders
- Providing material support to build a communal settlement for IROG holders active on Mars
- Establishing and operating a food cooperative led by IROG holders
- Creating and managing an independent socio-cultural community exclusively for IROG users on Mars
The future on Mars with IROG

Sunrises on Mars still begin with a red glow, but the lives of the settlers now start with 'irog'. Since establishing their settlement on Mars, the Martian community has thrived using irog coins. In the mornings, settlers leave their residences and go to dome-shaped cafés where they order breakfast featuring high-protein menus developed by the irog team, paid for with irog coins. These meals are made from vegetables grown locally by the irog crew and various imported ingredients, and irog coins are the official currency exchanged in a swap format.
As the day begins, scientists explore the external environment, exchanging exploration equipment and resources for irog coins. Engineers buy crucial parts with irog coins for facility maintenance. Children also access educational materials with irog coins, learning about Mars' ecosystem and Earth's history.
In the afternoon, settlers gather in communal social spaces to trade various goods and services with irog coins. Fees for sports competitions, prizes, and materials needed for artistic work are all traded with this blockchain currency. These activities become a precious time for settlers to better know and cooperate with each other.
In the evening, a community meal starts, and settlers from each sector gather to share the day's activities and order special snacks developed by the irog crew, paid for with irog coins. The day concludes with large movie screenings or lectures that the entire community participates in, which are also accessible through irog coins. In all these activities, irog serves as an essential tool that strengthens the bonds within the Martian community and maintains its own economic system.
Irog coins have been the backbone of life on Mars since the first day of settlement, and it's no surprise that settlers who had irog from Earth or had family or friends who did are seen as heroes among the community members. More hopeful news is that a vast and mysterious project that encompasses both Earth and Mars is now passing the Moon. With legendary stories becoming reality, many Martian settlers go to sleep tonight filled with anticipation.
IROG consists of the meme token, honoring the challenge of 10,000 people who dreamed of leaving Earth and moving to Mars.

Special IROG NFT


